Dr. Mark Levy - Spotlight on Asthma: Prof. Richard Beasley

Dr Mark Levy is a family doctor in the UK, with a specialty interest in asthma. He is a member of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) and Chair of the Dissemination and Implementation committee. GINA works with health care professionals, patient representatives and public health officials from around the world to reduce asthma prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. The best practice NZ Adolescent and Adult Asthma Guidelines 2020 are based on local and international research published in the 2019 GINA Update Strategy. These guidelines represent the most fundamental change in the management of asthma in decades.

Dr Levy recently interviewed Professor Richard Beasley, Director of the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, lead author of the NZ Adolescent and Adult Asthma Guidelines 2020, and member of the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ Scientific Advisory Board. The interview can be accessed at the links below!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episo...
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/...

Asthma - A Tragic Death of a child

Asthma deaths in children are tragic and in most cases potentially avoidable. This podcast was prompted by the recent coroners report and regulation 28 statement aimed at preventing future deaths, link below.

All doctors and nurses, pharmacists, health care assistants and managers responsible for caring for children - all children - because asthma is the commonest chronic childhood illness should listen to this story and share it with colleagues. Parents and people with asthma will also find this information useful.

There is an urgent need to end complacency about asthma care particularly in the United Kingdom.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ccB4dg53xXuPX0gPdWz2c?si=VMKmwxxwQ5aX5IBxqMHgGQ
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/asthma-spotlight/id1652780406?i=1000639525770

Regulation 28 Statement: https://bit.ly/3tDVr6h
Dr. Mark Levy website: www.bigcatdoc.com