Download the full report here: Asthma And Respiratory Foundation Nz Annual Report 2019
"Our media presence this year was the strongest yet, with Chief Executive Letitia, Medical Director Stuart, and Head of Research and Education Teresa being almost constantly on TV screens, radio stations, and web browsers across the country. People heard what we had to say and listened to our messages. If even one person has been helped by us talking about COPD, asthma, or vaping, then our mission is worthwhile.
Of course, more than one person has been helped; we know this from the massive outpouring of donations, especially from our recently implemented Donation Point Tap units.
In March 2018, the Foundation embarked on a new fundraising initiative by purchasing two Donation Point Tap units, followed by a third in April. Over the last few years, we’ve seen a significant drop in traditional fundraising methods, as people simply don’t carry as much spare change as they used to.
Donation Point Tap is a contact-less counter-top device, basically a second EFTPOS machine, that will quickly accept low value card donations. Debit or credit card holders place their card over the reader for a couple of seconds, much like a pay wave device, and a donation for the amount displayed on the screen is donated. All of our units ask for a small $3 donation, and we are extremely thankful to our amazing supporters for their participation in this new initiative.
Feedback from our partners is that people love how simple it is to donate to the Foundation, especially in this increasingly cash-less society. We intend to further grow this venture in the coming year, adding more units at more varied locations, and expanding out of Wellington. " John Knight - Asthma and Respiratory Foundation President