2018 Nzrc Emily Ingram

Ensuring good quality spirometry

Emily Ingram

Spirometry is the most commonly performed test for assessing respiratory function and is performed across a variety of community-based settings. This session covers: Equipment preparation and quality assurance, Patient/client preparation, Understanding key spirometry measurements, Performing quality spirometry, Recognising and troubleshooting common errors in spirometry technique, Principles of bronchodilator testing.

Powerpoint slides to come.

2018 Nzrc Sally De Boer

ILD update

Dr Sally de Boer

An update on ILD to include multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

No Powerpoint Slides available.

2018 Nzrc Stuart Jones

Sleep, why bother?

Dr Stuart Jones

Sleep – it is something we spend a third of our life doing, but what role in health does it play? In this talk we will explore some of the mysteries of sleep and try and unlock some of what the body is doing while we sleep. We will look at why good sleep is so important to good health, and why asking about sleep with your patients may be one of the most important things you do.

Download the Powerpoint Slides here.

2018 Nzrc Emily Ingram 2

Interpreting the results

Emily Ingram

Spirometry is invaluable as a screening test to general respiratory health, and in particular to make a confident diagnosis of obstructive airways disorders (e.g. COPD, asthma).

This session covers: Consideration of the clinical question, Test quality issues that may lead to errors in interpretation, Selecting and applying appropriate reference values, Spirometry categorisation into normal, obstructive or restrictive ventilatory patterns, Interpretation of bronchodilator response.

Powerpoint slides to come.

2018 Nzrc Shirley Crawford

Eliminating nebulisers

Shirley Crawford and Natalie Bird

In this session speakers will explain how routine short acting beta agonist nebulisers were eliminated from their hospital and community. Shirley and Natalie will cover the reasons for this change, the benefits of this change and the methods and processes that were used.

The barriers to making this change will be explored and how this can be implemented in your area, as well as what it was like to implement this change from respiratory nurse’s point of view.

Download the Powerpoint Slides here.

2018 Nzrc Syed Hussain

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Dr Syed Hussain

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a very common condition affecting 2-4% of adults to a significant degree, which is characterised with loud snoring, witnessed apnoea and excessive daytime somnolence. Treatment leads to improvement in daytime somnolence, mood and quality of life. However most people do not remain adherent to treatment long term and drop off in the first few months. You have the opportunity of experiencing hands on the gold standard treatment of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to improve patience outcome in addition to an update on current evidence.

No Powerpoint Slides available.

2018 Nzrc Nikola Ncube

Oxygen therapy, who and when?

Nikola Ncube

Oxygen is frequently and liberally administered to patients in the acute setting despite an unclear evidence base for this practice. Who does need oxygen? What are the risks associated with giving oxygen? How is this managed?

Download the Powerpoint Slides here.

2018 Nzrc David Chen

Pulmonary Rehab in Primary Care

David Chen

In the years 2008 and 2009, the hospital-based service delivered pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) to approximately 100 referrals per year and only a very small proportion of patients had been referred by primary care (<5%). General Practitioners often were not aware of the service and referral pathways. In 2010, the Canterbury Pulmonary Rehabilitation Working Group was established. The working group reviewed and improved access for our primary health referrers. Now, 95% of the PR referrals come from the primary health sector.

Download the Powerpoint Slides here.

2018 Nzrc Sarah Mooney 2

Dysfunctional (yet functional) breathing pattern disorders

Dr Sarah Mooney

While breathing is an unquestionable key function of the human body, dysfunctional breathing and associated disorders are problematic and challenging for both patient and health provider, irrespective of underlying co-morbidity (if any!).

Increasingly mis-diagnosed, breathing pattern disorders are now recognised as a major cause of ill health, angst and costly investigation. Early recognition, diagnosis and referral to physiotherapy shapes the patient’s return to improved wellbeing, functuality, and fitness and not … to the GP’s surgery!

Download the Powerpoint Slides here.